Pet by Akwaeke Emezi Book Review

Pet by Akwaeke Emezi Review

Emezi crafts a timeless tale of monsters, abuse, and denial in this fantasy/horror mash-up. Jam is a trans young girl who lives in the serene town of Lucille. Monsters aren’t real, at least, not since the angels defeated them. Now, she and her best friend Redemption live without fear of evil until one of her mother’s paintings comes to life. Enter Pet, a creature spawned from paint and blood who insists that a monster lurks in Lucille and must be destroyed. Together, Jam and Redemption must decide whether to believe Pet and hunt for a monster or rest faithfully in the knowledge bestowed by their families, that monsters no longer exist.

Jam is a dynamic young protagonist whose desire to remain a dutiful daughter weighs heavily against her need to secretly enlist in Pet’s mission. Her childlike innocence mixes with a maturing need to find the truth. The adult’s reactions to her claims mirror real-world neglect and denial turning this quick-paced fantasy into a timeless look behind the curtain at society and abuse culture. Jam’s courage resonates with readers of all ages as Redemption’s anger and pain will twist readers’ cores and not let go. Pet provides the flame to the burning tension that leads to a heart-wrenching climax. Emotion and passion drips from each word of this brilliant and haunting read.

Buy Pet here!


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